Larry's nonsense, stuff & other stuff!!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Does political propaganda work?

Well, after a few days of reading all this political propaganda garbage about the shooting of Congresswoman Gifford and several others, I have came to the conclusion that we are still on the path for a civil war within the next 25 years.

As politicians continue their brutal bad mouthing propaganda during & between elections it is clear the US is headed down a path of The Split. Former Alaska Governor Palin stands out the most at this time as she has been quoted as suggesting violence to resolve government issues between the parties, clearly blaming Democrats & that Democrats should pay......dearly for the status of our country. After this tragedy in Arizona, Palin now claims that this rhetoric should not be taken seriously & that no one should ever be influenced, especially to this extent. What a really stupid statement by Palin, I mean, why do politicians campaign? Isn't it for the sole purpose of influencing Americans to vote for their respective party? The brutal use of words & rhetoric is to make the voter believe the opponent is criminal, immoral, useless, an idiot, unworthy, incompetent, unintelligent, etc, etc.

Countless research shows it does work or why would candidates spend millions for these idiotic ad campaigns that do nothing but unnecessarily bash opponents about senseless issues? Are we surprised that all of a sudden one mentally unstable individual bought into this a bit too far? I mean, last year we had one candidate's helper drag a candidate out of a car and stomp on her head.

And as we speak......the blame game continues.

The Blame Game Continues!!!

45% Say Politics Influenced Loughner!!!

And to the people that want to use the funerals as a political backdrop for protesting their own political agenda, get a freaking life. Let these people mourn their losses without a political stand being made by idiots!!!

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