Larry's nonsense, stuff & other stuff!!!

Monday, November 29, 2010

How then will the US government be held accountable for criminal acts???

U.S. looks for way to prosecute over leaks

Should the US government be allowed to change laws while in progress in order to prosecute a person that leaks information that supports criminal activity being committed by military & government officials against other countries & it's population?

In the future, how will the US government be held accountable for criminal behavior? Afterall, had it not been for Bob Woodward & Carl Bernstein of The Washington Post & their informants, Watergate would have never have taken place & an administration would have gotten away with countless criminal acts. It was Mark Felt, an FBI insider that leaked pertinent information about the criminal activity of President Nixon & his political crime syndicate.

Personally, I want to know that my government is not acting criminally towards other countries & its population, which is exactly what we've been doing for years. How will we know if the government is allowed to conceal information? It's clear we cannot "always" trust mainstream media because that is controlled by the government. Why do I want to truthfully know what our government is up to? Because, my belief is that these are the very reasons us Americans are in danger from terrorism. The 1st & most dangerous is the fact that the US is exercising global military domination. Something the entire earth feared was happening when Hitler stormed to prominence during WW2. Why does the US need 700+ military bases scattered in over 156 countries. We are now working on building relations with Yemen, the end result being military bases in this country.

US attempting to change laws while in progress!!!

US military bases in the Middle East alone!!!

The worldwide US military empire!!!

US military bases around the world, how long can it last?

Despicable act by US government to the Guatemalans (infecting them with STD's for study)!!!

The US has a long history of despicable acts. More acts than I have time to type up here but will mention a couple. Taking Hussein off the bad guy list when he invaded Iran in 1980 then supported his regime, also supplying his government with chemical weapons & knowing he used them. Also, illegally selling arms to Iran in this very same war, using the money to support terrorism & an overthrow of a government in South America, hence The Iran/Contra Affair. We've recently removed Sudan from a terrorist list, why? More military bases in the Middle East that's why!!!
The invasion of Iraq? Right now Halliburton is building a massive pipeline from the oil wells to the Persian Gulf? The US supported the Taliban & Bin Laden in Afghanistan in the mid 90's. Oh
, I could easily go on.

The Pentagon Papers!!!

The Pentagon Papers are another example that the US people are being misled by its government.

The government very rarely is honest with the American people with the propaganda wars, especially if it's losing a war in a foreign country. I firmly believe the American people should know where they stand in situations of this magnitude. Right now, we have a government acting very similar to Adolf Hitler. Global military domination is a goal. The ways in which we are getting there are criminal & putting us Americans in grave danger. The terrorist acts are a result of this. The acts are not an offensive belief of these countries and the militants, it's a defensive act. These leaked documents only support the theory I've had for years. Wake up people, our government is deceiving us in the biggest way!!!

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